Fire protection

Fire protection

Always safe in a system

The best fire protection in building protection is more effective structural fire protection. As a highly specialized dry construction expert, B + M Hungária Kft is the best partner in this as well. With convincing innovative products and systems, comprehensive advice and support, and incentives to make passive fire protection even more effective, simpler and more economical.

With increasingly complex projects and policies, the demands on architects, construction contractors, and specialist dealers are also increasing. The market-leading manufacturers of drywall products already offer the most suitable system solution for every need that arises. With the different plate types and construction variants, all conceivable applications can be implemented in interior design, while meeting all the construction physical requirements for fire protection.

One sure thing: Fire protection in drywall

Dry construction is already intended for structural fire protection based on the excellent natural properties of gypsum building materials commonly used in construction. Gypsum contains about 20 percent bound crystal water, which evaporates under extreme heat, delaying the spread of fire. In addition, the dehydrated gypsum layer is an excellent insulator that protects adjacent rooms.

The manufacturers of the products sold by B + M Hungária Kft have invested a lot of time and energy in the development and continuous improvement of the fire protection properties of their products and systems. The result: elements of safety-critical structures whose functionality and quality meet the highest architectural and legal requirements.

B + M Hungária Kft. offers proven system solutions for structural fire protection in the field of interior design:

  • Wall Systems
  • ceiling systems
  • floor systems
  • coverings and insulation systems

The structural fire protection of a building is very complex. We will help you choose the ideal construction version for your construction project.

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